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Thursday, December 16, 2021

General science biology

General science biology

General science biology  Published this article page no  38 Demons have great strength. In  Luke 8:29 , a man was possessed by demons, and while possessed he was able to break chains easily, the demons also made the man want to dwell among graves and lonely places. The demons are responsible for many of the diseases and illnesses that people have. In  Luke 11:14  , a man that had been mute and unable to speak, became able to speak normaly when Jesus removed a demon from him.  Abuse - Some folks claim they were abused as children, and this has brought them under the control of demons.  Occult Activity - Reading and trying spells and other things in occult books.  Spirit communication - Using an ouija board, channeling, or automatic writing, is an open door to demon possession.  Astrology and Fortune Telling - Using ones horoscope or visiting a fortune teller to know the future is wrong according to the bible, clearly a warning that demonic forces are involved with it general science biology syllabus buy.

General science biology

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