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competition wizard magazine

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Constitution of India Chart, Indian History Chart, Geography Terms Chart

Constitution of India Chart, Indian History Chart, Geography Terms Chart

Constitution of India Chart Published this article page no  41 Levitation and Psychic Powers - Demon possessed individuals have been known to levitate and hover in the air in front of other witnesses, or cause objects in the room to move by themselves. Smells - Often in the presence of a demon possessed individual the surrounding air will become so horriblly smelling that folks will get sick, the smell has been described as the smell of cancer or death, or even sulphur. Reaction to Holy relics or sacred items - Demon possessed individuals have been known to fear or even react violently to crosses, bible reading, holy water or other sacred relics and symbols. In one case of demon possession in pennsylvania in the early 1980s a young man, who was possessed had his head covered with a sack, so he could not see. He held his hands behind his back and a few different items were placed in his hands, when a cross was dropped into his hand, it burned his skin and became hot to others that touched it Indian History Chart buy.

Constitution of India Chart, Indian History Chart, Geography Terms Chart

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