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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription published this article page no   51 the digital penetration and connectivity in rural areas is reducing the ruralurban information gap and pushing the administration at the local level to function in an effective way. . digital sovereignty why in news? at sydney dialogue prime minister said that digital age is raising new questions on sovereignty governance ethics law rights and security. about digital sovereignty  digital sovereignty is the right of a state to govern its network to serve its national interests the most important of which are security privacy and commerce. o it is the ability to have control over ones own digital destiny—the data hardware and software that one relies on and creates.  today digital technologies are an integral part of the everyday life of individuals companies and institutions but the market for digital products and services is dominated by american and chinese multinational corporations.  it has become a concern for many policymakers who feel there is too much control ceded to too few places too little choice in the tech market and too much power in the hands of a small number of large tech companies. significance of digital sovereignty  to check the economic dependence perceived market dominance of technology companies from us and china may lead to new forms of hegemony and exploitation (described as digital imperialism or digital colonialism). o gafas (google apple facebook and amazon) and natus (netflix airbnb tesla and uber) as they possess data of billions of users around the world.  reduce technological dependence to identify and reduce dependencies on foreign data infrastructure tackle unfair competition in digital markets and address vulnerabilities w.r.t emerging technologies 5g and artificial intelligence. sydney dialogue  sydney dialogue is an initiative of the australian strategic policy institute (a thinktank) that brings together political business and government to assess the opportunities and challenges posed by emerging and critical technologies competition refresher magazine subscription buy. 

competition refresher magazine subscription

meri saheli magazine online

meri saheli magazine online

meri saheli magazine online published this article page no   41 unity and integrity of india in light of the tragic circumstances surrounding partition a consensus emerged that only a strong central government could survive the communal frenzy and manage the increasingly complex administrative problems faced by the new nation. o in addition to this most of the princely states which had to be integrated did not have any effective governance systems in place and many were hostile to the idea of cooperating with the newly formed government of india.  enabling responsive governance small governments are seen as encouraging political participation the shared accommodation of various views political compromise and communitarian values. additionally they are supposed to bolster the rights of minorities by protecting the rights of the individual against majoritarian impulses.  balanced economic development the unstable financial position of the new indian state also favoured centralization. provincial autonomy was seen as a hindrance to equitable distribution of wealth and development.  others as per joint committee report of 1934 it was considered necessary to ensure that the provinces remained truly autonomous and could determine their jurisdiction independently. o this is indicative of the spirit of cooperation between the union and the states that the founders wanted to inculcate. need for reforming the seventh schedule  state demands for greater autonomy o division of functions enshrined under seventh schedule got increasingly eroded over a period of timebeginning with the constitution of the planning commission in 1951shifting of the subjects like forest and education from the state to the concurrent list by the 42nd amendmentmahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act of 2005 and national food security act 2013. 6 o a few common grievances appear to be regarding the allocation of residuary powers with the centre and a general sentiment that the state list needed to be bolstered.for ex rajamannar committee in tamil nadu 1969 and the anandpur sahib resolution in punjab in 1973 recommended transferring several entries to the state list both from the union and concurrent lists and vesting residuary powers in the states.  need for decentralization o despite the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments except in a few states there has been little progress at decentralisation—to both rural and urban local bodies.the functions assigned are unclear funds uncertain and inadequate and decisionmaking functionaries are mostly drawn from the state bureaucracymeri saheli magazine online buy.    

meri saheli magazine online

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription published this article page no  32 unemployment in india context according to the latest periodic labour force survey (plfs) released by the national statistical office (nso)119indias urban unemployment rate jumped to 12.6 per cent in the apriljune quarter of 2021 compared to 9.3 per cent in the januarymarch quarter. it however eased from the 20.8 per cent level seen during the first wave of the covid pandemic. impact of the pandemic the biggest casualty of the pandemic will be joblessness. the countrys unemployment rate has risen through much of april having hit 7.4% and threatens to climb further to around 8% significantly higher than the 6.5% in march according to cmie. approximately 10 million salaried jobs have been lost across urban and rural india and one is not sure how many people will get back their livelihoods. urban females fared worse than urban males. in the 1529 age group the unemployment rate for urban females stood at 31 per cent compared with 24 per cent for males during apriljune 2021. the unemployment rate for urban females and males stood at 36 per cent and 34.3 per cent respectively in apriljune 2020. types of unemployment in india disguised unemployment it is a phenomenon wherein more people are employed than actually needed. it is primarily traced in the agricultural and the unorganised sectors of india. seasonal unemployment it is an unemployment that occurs during certain seasons of the year. agricultural labourers in india rarely have work throughout the year. structural unemployment it is a category of unemployment arising from the mismatch between the jobs available in the market and the skills of the available workers in the market. many people in india do not get job due to lack of requisite skills and due to poor education level it becomes difficult to train them. cyclical unemployment shine india monthly magazine subscription buy.

shine india monthly magazine subscription