competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, October 31, 2022

csr gktoday

csr gktoday

csr gktoday Published this article page no 58 both countries also enjoy warm and cordial relations which can be ascribed to historical maritime trade linkages intimacy of the royal family with india and the seminal role of the indian expatriate community in the building of oman. in recent years oman has emerged as an important tourism source market for india in the west asian region.during 2013 india received 62252 visitors from oman. similarly india has emerged as one of the important source market for oman in the field of tourism.the signing of the mou will further strengthen and further develop the established relationship between the ministry of tourism government of india and the ministry of tourism government of oman for strengthening cooperation in the field of tourism on reciprocal basis csr gktoday magazine subscription.

csr gktoday

Friday, August 12, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 53 is a space station or a habitable artificial satellite in low earth orbit.its first component was launched into orbit in 1998 with the first longterm residents arriving in november 2000. the station is expected to operate till is the largest humanmade body in low earth orbit and can often be seen with the naked eye from serves as a microgravity and space environment research is a joint project among five participating space agencies nasa (usa) roscosmos (russia) jaxa (japan) esa (europe) and csa (canada).china launched its first experimental space station tiangong 1 in september 2011 Banking service chronicle buy.

Banking service chronicle

Thursday, August 11, 2022

You and i magazine

You and i magazine

You and i magazine Top life style magazine from Hyderabad published this article page no 47 cdac developed indias first supercomputer  param was established after denial of import of cray supercomputer (dual use technology which could be used for nuclear weapon simulation) due to arms embargo. national supercomputing mission  nsm was launched in 2015 with following objectives o to make india one of the world leaders in supercomputing capability. o to empower our scientists and researchers with stateoftheart supercomputing facilities. o to minimize redundancies and duplication of efforts and optimize investments in supercomputing o to attain global competitiveness and ensure selfreliance in supercomputing technologyit is spearheaded by department of s&t and department of electronics and it all you magazine subscription.


You and i magazine

Pratiyogita darpan

Pratiyogita darpan

Pratiyogita darpan monthly in English - No 1 magazine in India subscribe Published this article page no 30 directorategeneral of mines safety (dgms) under the union ministry of labour & employment (mol&e) is entrusted to administer these of the reasons why the coal mines (nationalization) act was enacted in 1973 taking over private sector mines was their poor safety records. yet work at public sector mines remains highly dangerous the frequency of incidents has increased in the recent years as flagged by the national human rights commission (nhrc) in its 2014 report titled views on mine safety in india while official statistics show otherwise.however in a bid to attract private players the coking coal mines (nationalization) act 1972 and the coal mines (nationalization) act 1973 were repealed on 8 january 2018.when it comes to coal mining accidents india has a higher proportion of deaths resulting from strata fall than from the use of explosives which account for the bulk of the accidents in countries such as china and the us best magazine for ias preparation.

Pratiyogita darpan

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 51 salient features of the revised guidelines the revised guidelines aim to ensure a more robust ground water regulatory mechanism in the country through system of noc and user fee.for industries o introduction of the concept of water conservation fee (wcf) which varies with the category of the area type of industry and the quantum of ground water extraction and is designed to progressively increase from safe to overexploited areas and from low to high water consuming industries as well as with increasing quantum of ground water extraction. the high rates of wcf are expected to discourage setting up of new industries in overexploited and critical areas as well as act as a deterrent to large scale ground water extraction by industries especially in overexploited of noc is done online through a web based application system of cgwa. it shall be renewed and critical areas.  the wcf would also compel industries to adopt measures relating to water use efficiency and discourage the growth of packaged drinking water units particularly in overexploited and critical areas. o noc to industries shall be granted only for such cases where government agencies are not able to supply the desired quantity of water shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine

Banking services chronicle magazine the easement act 1882 provides every landowner with the right to collect and dispose within his own limits all water under the land and on the surface. landowners are not legally liable for any damage caused to water resources as a result of its various orders the national green tribunal (ngt) has asked the cgwa to regulate the gw extraction by various users through system of registrations and no objection certificate (noc) and user fees with a limit on quantum of gw to be extracted.  in compliance with the ngt orders the cgwa had circulated the draft guidelines for grant of no objection certificate on the 11th october 2017. after considering all the suggestions from various stakeholders govt now notified the revised guidelines. central ground water authority (cgwa) constituted under the environment (protection) act of 1986 has the mandate of regulating ground water development and management in the country. cgwa has been regulating ground water development for its sustainable management in the country through measures such as issue of advisories public notices grant of no objection certificates (noc) for ground water withdrawal Banking services chronicle magazine buy.

Banking services chronicle magazine

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription published this article page no   51 the digital penetration and connectivity in rural areas is reducing the ruralurban information gap and pushing the administration at the local level to function in an effective way. . digital sovereignty why in news? at sydney dialogue prime minister said that digital age is raising new questions on sovereignty governance ethics law rights and security. about digital sovereignty  digital sovereignty is the right of a state to govern its network to serve its national interests the most important of which are security privacy and commerce. o it is the ability to have control over ones own digital destiny—the data hardware and software that one relies on and creates.  today digital technologies are an integral part of the everyday life of individuals companies and institutions but the market for digital products and services is dominated by american and chinese multinational corporations.  it has become a concern for many policymakers who feel there is too much control ceded to too few places too little choice in the tech market and too much power in the hands of a small number of large tech companies. significance of digital sovereignty  to check the economic dependence perceived market dominance of technology companies from us and china may lead to new forms of hegemony and exploitation (described as digital imperialism or digital colonialism). o gafas (google apple facebook and amazon) and natus (netflix airbnb tesla and uber) as they possess data of billions of users around the world.  reduce technological dependence to identify and reduce dependencies on foreign data infrastructure tackle unfair competition in digital markets and address vulnerabilities w.r.t emerging technologies 5g and artificial intelligence. sydney dialogue  sydney dialogue is an initiative of the australian strategic policy institute (a thinktank) that brings together political business and government to assess the opportunities and challenges posed by emerging and critical technologies competition refresher magazine subscription buy. 

competition refresher magazine subscription

meri saheli magazine online

meri saheli magazine online

meri saheli magazine online published this article page no   41 unity and integrity of india in light of the tragic circumstances surrounding partition a consensus emerged that only a strong central government could survive the communal frenzy and manage the increasingly complex administrative problems faced by the new nation. o in addition to this most of the princely states which had to be integrated did not have any effective governance systems in place and many were hostile to the idea of cooperating with the newly formed government of india.  enabling responsive governance small governments are seen as encouraging political participation the shared accommodation of various views political compromise and communitarian values. additionally they are supposed to bolster the rights of minorities by protecting the rights of the individual against majoritarian impulses.  balanced economic development the unstable financial position of the new indian state also favoured centralization. provincial autonomy was seen as a hindrance to equitable distribution of wealth and development.  others as per joint committee report of 1934 it was considered necessary to ensure that the provinces remained truly autonomous and could determine their jurisdiction independently. o this is indicative of the spirit of cooperation between the union and the states that the founders wanted to inculcate. need for reforming the seventh schedule  state demands for greater autonomy o division of functions enshrined under seventh schedule got increasingly eroded over a period of timebeginning with the constitution of the planning commission in 1951shifting of the subjects like forest and education from the state to the concurrent list by the 42nd amendmentmahatma gandhi national rural employment guarantee act of 2005 and national food security act 2013. 6 o a few common grievances appear to be regarding the allocation of residuary powers with the centre and a general sentiment that the state list needed to be bolstered.for ex rajamannar committee in tamil nadu 1969 and the anandpur sahib resolution in punjab in 1973 recommended transferring several entries to the state list both from the union and concurrent lists and vesting residuary powers in the states.  need for decentralization o despite the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments except in a few states there has been little progress at decentralisation—to both rural and urban local bodies.the functions assigned are unclear funds uncertain and inadequate and decisionmaking functionaries are mostly drawn from the state bureaucracymeri saheli magazine online buy.    

meri saheli magazine online

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine subscription published this article page no  32 unemployment in india context according to the latest periodic labour force survey (plfs) released by the national statistical office (nso)119indias urban unemployment rate jumped to 12.6 per cent in the apriljune quarter of 2021 compared to 9.3 per cent in the januarymarch quarter. it however eased from the 20.8 per cent level seen during the first wave of the covid pandemic. impact of the pandemic the biggest casualty of the pandemic will be joblessness. the countrys unemployment rate has risen through much of april having hit 7.4% and threatens to climb further to around 8% significantly higher than the 6.5% in march according to cmie. approximately 10 million salaried jobs have been lost across urban and rural india and one is not sure how many people will get back their livelihoods. urban females fared worse than urban males. in the 1529 age group the unemployment rate for urban females stood at 31 per cent compared with 24 per cent for males during apriljune 2021. the unemployment rate for urban females and males stood at 36 per cent and 34.3 per cent respectively in apriljune 2020. types of unemployment in india disguised unemployment it is a phenomenon wherein more people are employed than actually needed. it is primarily traced in the agricultural and the unorganised sectors of india. seasonal unemployment it is an unemployment that occurs during certain seasons of the year. agricultural labourers in india rarely have work throughout the year. structural unemployment it is a category of unemployment arising from the mismatch between the jobs available in the market and the skills of the available workers in the market. many people in india do not get job due to lack of requisite skills and due to poor education level it becomes difficult to train them. cyclical unemployment shine india monthly magazine subscription buy.

shine india monthly magazine subscription

Monday, May 16, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  29  Take good care of your life and whatever “made it” will take good care of you, if it takes good care of anybody, providing, of course, it’s sane and happy enough for you to be concerned about, and we do hope and trust it is. Otherwise, why do birds sing, even if some of them, especially the caw-caw choir, obviously never went to music school? 5. Be nice to everybody who isn’t entirely despicable, because everybody else is at least as fragile and uncertain as you are, no matter how big his or her mouth is or how inconsiderate and selfish he or she can be. 6. Remember Philosophy 101 and big Ari’s two generally neglected chestnuts. One: happiness is more likely to come your way if you guide your life “according to reason,” instead of hearkening to the plenteous varieties of idiocy that are somehow still afoot in the world. Two: be guided by The Golden Mean, that is, avoid excess of any kind, primarily because it’s likely to get you into excessive trouble. Notice, for example, how many people mess up their relationships because they don’t know that the quest for more and more generally leads to less and less, since that inconsiderate rampage negates the value of the individual, who happens to be the only person you can hug and kiss. Also notice how many celebrities are twisting on the agonizing spit of neediness, apparently unaware that infinite need can know no satisfaction. 7. Always keep the wholeness of your life in mind and never let a detail subordinate it and drive you completely to distraction, even when the detail is the person you love, telling you, “I just decided my happiness depends on kissing you goodbye.” Times like these are ideal to remember what your grandmother taught you: count your blessings. 8. Curse without feeling guilty. It’s an outlet that never hurt anybody. And what are words really but just sounds in the air? Never forget: the most forbidden word of all rhymes with luck. 9. Actually, don’t feel guilty about anything, unless you’re so perverse you actually hurt somebody else or, on rare occasions, yourself. Then you should feel really guilty, unless, of course, the other person was trying to hurt you. Then you should feel terrific for beating him or her off and he or she is the one who should feel really guilty. To free yourself from guilt, we advise the following half-original remedy: See your superego, which may, unfortunately, be parked on your flattened ego, as an agglomeration of internal objects that represent the most influential people in your past. Pretend they’re in a jury box, observing you shine india monthly magazine onlineshine india monthly magazine subscription buy.

shine india monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran English

pratiyogita kiran English

pratiyogita kiran English Published this article page no  12  Why is it, that any holiday, time off, or event, someone is sick? Do they plan it that way? I was sitting today, pondering, reminissing, and it came to my attention that every function I have ever attended had at least one of my family members sitting with the sniffles. I was 7 years old. It was christmas time, and I was sick with my appendix. That was a good one. Is it coincidence? Or is there some greater evil out there that enjoys watching suffering in times of joy. We should find him, and tell him we are NOT impressed. Timing is everything. There is a point, in every persons life, where everything seems to go wrong, and all you can do is sit there and watch it happen. But maybe it's a good thing. In fact, if nothing goes wrong, we won't know what's right. Perhaps what we need to do is change those tears of helplessness into tears of joy. That would be weird. "I love it when i get scarlet fever" Woops. Here is a good one. This time, evil chose to be more mean than ever. I will tell you the holiday AFTER I tell you what happened. I had the chicken pox, my youngest sister had the chicken pox, my other sister had scarlet fever, and my parents were sharing the flu. Get this.... Thanksgiving. Thats right. Usually at thanksgiving time we go around the table, taking turns saying thanks for whatever you are thankful for. What a task. I was thankful for oatmeal baths! It's funny how we are tested in such ironic ways. The outcome of our battles with nature shows what kind of person we can become, but what happens during the battle defines what kind of person we really are pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download buy.

pratiyogita kiran English

pratiyogita kiran English

pratiyogita kiran English

pratiyogita kiran English Published this article page no  11 I've actually never heard anyone talk about this, so it's up to me to break the news to the world about this phenomenon.  It can be a monumental problem, if you don't know about it, understand it, and adhere to its rule.  "It" is, and I believe I've aptly named it, Sentencia Interruptus, or commonly known (or soon will be) as the Texas Pause.  Problems can arise in communications between husbands and wives, employers and their employees, teachers and students, and others, if one of the parties is unaware of this regional dialectic/linguistic idiosyncracy. You've heard of never being able to get a word in edge-wise?  This is similar, except untold paragraphs and unexpressed thoughts are now floating out in the universe, never to be heard from again-  all because of the Texas Pause.  How does this happen?  Typically native Texans possess a speech pattern in which they will express a thought, pause for 3 or 4 seconds (sometimes longer) mentally preparing their concluding thought (we like to plan our conclusions for maximum effect.)  Unfortunately, the other person in the conversation will jump in and start talking before the first person is finished.  I know you'd never be guilty of thinking ahead about what you're going to say, instead of listening, but that's not the only problematic thing about this. There are thousands of frustrated Texans who had profound things with which to conclude, who never had the chance, because someone else barged in, unaware of the Texas Pause.  Can you imagine what brilliant ideas we, as a society, have probably lost as a result of this travesty of dialect?  How many spouses have resorted to saying, "You never listen to me"?  How many employers miss the "...and their new branch wants to order 100,000 more widgets than last month"?  How many teachers pivot and point to another student while the first student to answer still had words stuck between the mind and tongue, choking on the fact that the incongruency of an incomplete thought has made them look really stupid? How many Texans have skipped dessert in a restaurant because the waiter or waitress shifted their gaze to the next patron for their order?  I ask you, is this fair? Because of the world's ignorance of the Texas Pause, we are losing valuable thoughts, educational opportunities, industrial productivity, and cherry cobblers by the millions. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download  buy.  

pratiyogita kiran English