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banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf  Published this article page no    Ironically the muchheralded conflict took place not between the USA and its enemies without  but within the United States in a second and devastating Civil War. Reprinted with permission from The Second Civil War in the USA and its Aftermath by Sam Vaknin second revised impression 2029 Summary of Chapter 83 The polities of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries swung between extremes of nationalism and polyethnic multiculturalism. Following the Great War 19148 the disintegration of most of the continental empires  notably the Habsburg and Ottoman  led to a resurgence of a particularly virulent strain of the former dressed as Fascism Nazism and Stalinism. The aftermath of the Second World War brought on a predictable backlash in the West against all manner of nationalism and racism. The USSR Yugoslavia the Czech Republic the EU European Union then European Community the Commonwealth led by the United Kingdom and the prominent USA epitomized the eventual triumph of multiculturalism multiethnic states and in the Western democracies pluralism. Africa and Asia just emerging from a phase of brutal colonialism were out of synch with these developments in Europe and North America and began to espouse their own brands of jingoistic patriotisms. Attempts to impose liberaldemocratic multicultural tolerant pluralistic and multiethnic principles on these emergent entities was largely perceived and vehemently rejected by them as disguised neocolonialism. The disintegration during the second half of the twentieth century of the organizing principles of international affairs  most crucially Empire in the 1960s and Communism in the 1980s  led to the reeruption of exclusionary intolerant and militant nationalism. The Balkan secession wars of the 1990s served as a stark reminder than historical forces and ideologies never vanish  they merely lie dormant. Polyethnic multiculturalism came under attack elsewhere and everywhere  from Canada to Belgium. Straining to contain this worrisome throwback to its tainted history Europeans implemented various models. In the United Kingdom regions such as Scotland and Northern Ireland were granted greater autonomy. The EUs ever closer union reified by its unfortunate draft constitution was intermittently rejected and resented by increasingly xenophobic and alienated constituencies. This time around between 1980 and 2020 nationalism copulated with militant religiosity to produce particularly nasty offspring in Muslim terrorism Christian fundamentalist American thuggish unilateralism Hindu supremacy and Jewish messianism. Scholars such as Huntington spoke of a clash of civilizations. Ironically the muchheralded conflict took place not between the USA and its enemies without  but within the United States in a second and devastating Civil War. Americans long mistook the institutional stability of their political system guaranteed by the Constitution for a national consensus. They actually believed that the former guarantees the latter  that institutional firmness and durability ARE the national consensus. The reverse as we know is true it takes a national consensus to yield stable institutions. No social structure  no matter how venerable and veteran  can resist the winds of change in public sentiment. In hindsight the watershed obtained during the BushCheney presidency 20012009. The social and political concord frayed and then disintegrated with each successive blow the war in Iraq 20037 the botched evacuation and rescue efforts in the wake of hurricane Katrina 2005 the failed assassination attempt on the Presidents life 2006 the further restrictions placed on civil and human rights in Patriot Acts III and IV 2008 and finally the nuclear terrorist attack on Houston in the closing days of this divisive reign. From there it went only downhill. As opposed to the first Civil War 18605 the Second Civil War 202126 was fought within communities and across state boundaries. It was not territorial and classic  but total and guerillalike. It cut across the countrys geography and pitted one ideological camp against another. It may be too soon to objectively analyze and evaluate this gargantuan conflict. It was preceded by a decade of violent demonstrations homegrown urban terrorism and numerous skirmishes involving the National Guard and even in violation of the Constitution the armed forces. Some historians cast the whole period as a battle of the religious vs. the secular. It clearly was not. By 2021 most Americans professed to being deeply religious in one manner or fashion. No one seriously disputed the importance of the Church  but many insisted on its separation from the state. Hence the protracted and heated confrontation between prolife and prochoice advocates when Wade vs. Roe was overturned by a politicized and weakened Supreme Court in 2007. Hence the drawn out and violent debates about the teaching of evolution theory in schools or the use of embryonic stem cells in medical research. Nor was the Civil War fought between isolationists and interventionists. An ever more brazen brand of postSeptember 11 global terrorism and a growing dependence on international trade inexorably drove most Americans to accept their new role as an Empire. They actually learned to enjoy it both emotionally and economically. Thus even erstwhile Jacksonian isolationists reluctantly acquiesced in their countrys foreign exploits. But they insisted on blatant unilateralism and the projection of American might merely and only to protect American interests. They abhorred the missionary ideology of the neoconservatives. Spreading values such as democracy should better be left to NGOs and charities  they thundered. The Civil War was not about the preservation of East Coast liberalism as some selfserving scholars would have it. America was never less racist and homophobic than in the years immediately preceding the conflagration. The debate again revolved around institutions. Should changing mores be enshrined in legislation and case law Should the national ethos itself be rewritten Should the very definition and quiddity of being an American white male straight be revisited NeoMarxist chroniclers attribute the causes of the Second Civil War to the growing disparities of wealth between the haves and the haves not. Presidents Bush and Cheney surely reversed L.B. Johnsons Great Society. They and their successors erased the numerous entitlements and aid programs that many of the economically disenfranchised came to depend upon and to regard as a birth right and as a cornerstone of the social contract. Turning the clock back on affirmative action and food stamps for instance indeed provoked widespread violence. But such outbursts can hardly be construed to have been the precursors of the gigantic flame that consumed the USA a few years hence. Finally the Civil War was not about free trade beneficial to the service and manufacturing based economies of some states versus protectionism helpful to the agricultural belts and bowls of the hinterland and to the recovering Gulf Coast. Americas economy was far too dependent on the outside world to reverse course. Its national debt was being financed by Asians its products were being sold all over its commodities and foods were coming from Africa and Latin America. The USA was in hock to a globalized and merciless economy. Protectionism was campaign posturing  not a cogent and coherent trade policy. So what were the roots and causes of the Second Civil War None of the above in isolation  and all of the above in confluence. For decades the citizenrys trust in a packed and rigged Supreme Court declined. Politicians came to be regarded as a detached and heartless plutocracy. Americans felt orphaned cheated and robbed. The national consensus  the implicit agreement that together is better than alone  has thus evaporated. The outcome was the shots and explosions that rocked the United States and the world in tow on January 20 2021. banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle academy

banking services chronicle academy

banking services chronicle academy  Published this article page no    If Hillary Clinton runs for the Presidency she will have liberals voting for her because they will believe that she is a liberal not as liberal as they are but liberal enough. She will have moderates voting for her because they will believe that she is a moderate not as moderate as they are but moderate enough. She will have some conservatives voting for her because they will believe that she is a conservative not as conservative as they are but conservative enough. America is the greatest country in the world. Our citizens are caring generous trusting and forgiving. Those are some of the traits that make our country so great and so strong. Those traits can also be some of our biggest weaknesses. We are always willing to give people a second third or even a fourth chance. We want to believe in the goodness of others even when they have shown us time and again that they are not good. We are always ready to give others the benefit of the doubt. Because of the foregoing we get taken advantage of over and over again. We believe that France is our friend and ally even though it has proved time and again it cares only about itself. The cold war is allegedly over and we call Russia our ally even though they try to sabotage almost everything we get involved with and even though they constantly support our enemies. We call China our friend and trading partner even though the leaders of China would like nothing better than to oversee the demise of the United States. Some of us cheer at the thought that Hillary Clinton might be our next President even though in my opinion she cares nothing about the United States or its citizens. In my opinion Note These are all strictly my opinions. I am not not an expert and I dont know everything. Hillary Clinton cares for nothing other than her own desires for power over the rest of us and I dont trust her any further than I can throw the White House. She is very intelligent probably far more intelligent than I am and she can be very charming when she wants to. She talks the talk but I have never seen her walk the walk. She talks about dealing with the rights of women but as far as I can tell she has never done anything other than talk. She talks about helping minorities but again the only thing that I can tell that she has done is talk about it. She talks about supporting the war effort however she always adds a but to her statements and by the time she gets through explaining the but you dont know what she really thinks. She seems to leave everthing open to interpretation. The only person that I know of that is better at doublespeak than she is is her husband. If Hillary Clinton runs for the Presidency she will have liberals voting for her because they will believe that she is a liberal not as liberal as they are but liberal enough. She will have moderates voting for her because they will believe that she is a moderate not as moderate as they are but moderate enough. She will have some conservatives voting for her because they will believe that she is a conservative not as conservative as they are but conservative enough. Some people will vote for her solely because she is a Democrat and others will vote for her solely because she is a woman. No one however will really know what she truly believes in or stands for. I believe that no one can know because the only thing that she believes in or stands for is herself. Hillary Clinton in many ways reminds me of President Nixon. The main difference as far as I can see is that she is better at hiding her arrogance ruthlessness lack of respect for the American people etc. than he was and she is smoother and much better at fooling the American people into believing that she stands for whatever they stand for no matter what they stand for. Additionally she probably will not be foolish enough to tape her White House conversations. She also reminds me very much of her husband except that she appears to be smarter considerably more ruthless and I doubt if she is a womanizer. She is however just as good at fooling the people just as good at taking credit for good things done by others just as good at laying the blame for bad things that she may have done on others and just as hungry for power. I believe that if Mrs. Clinton does run for the Presidency she will make whatever behind the scenes deals that she has to make any promises that she has to and step on any people that she has to in order to assure herself a place in history as Americas fourty fourth President. I also believe that when she leaves office she will like her husband leave this country is worse shape than it was in when she took office. banking services chronicle academy

banking services chronicle academy

banking services chronicle april 2021

 banking services chronicle april 2021

banking services chronicle april 2021  Published this article page no    The terrorists are winning. Gradually but perceptibly the USA and the United Kingdom UK are shedding their liberal democratic veneer axing their traditions reinterpreting their constitution USA and case law UK and thus becoming police states. The terrorists are winning. Gradually but perceptibly the USA and the United Kingdom UK are shedding their liberal democratic veneer axing their traditions reinterpreting their constitution USA and case law UK and thus becoming police states. Both the US Patriot Act recently extended by Congress and Tony Blairs newly acquired powers to exclude and deport not only active terrorists but also people who disagree with his foreign policy suspend longstanding and hardwon human and civil rights. The right to privacy has been all but eradicated in both countries. Blair and Bush exercise selfdefense through moral suicide. Visitors to the UK as well as residents and naturalized Britons must adhere to Britains set of values and observe them thunders the former. Presumably it is the same set of values that Blair is so bent on bending and ignoring. And as for Bush  remember Guantanamo and AbuGhraib. The UK will maintain a registry of undesirables. Please add me to the list Mr. Blair. I believe that the terrorist attacks in London were a desperate and criminal response to your own war crimes throughout the world and lately on a monstrous scale in Iraq. Terrorism is deplorable and red in tooth and claw. It should be fought with determination and imagination  not with oppression and slaughters of the innocent. Your mother should have taught you that hanging around bad company invariably ends badly. Evidently she failed in this particular respect. You cast your obsequious lot with a narcissistic thuggish guntoting trigger happy biblethumping and dangerously violent nation the United States of America. Violence breeds counterviolence and profound contempt. You found yourself on the receiving end of both in ample doses in July 2005. The taste of ones medicine is always bitter. In a string of uninterrupted and unpunished war crimes the UK and the USA and Israel and France taught Muslim militants that civilians are potential warriors and merit no special treatment or protection. International law has become the selfinterested and biased justice of the victors a policy tool a discriminatory travesty worthy only of condemnation. From Dresden to Hiroshima through Vietnam and Yugoslavia and down to Palestine and Iraq the hectoring and hypocritical West itself made no distinction between peaceful population and combatants. Lately it took to invading or threatening to invade Muslim territories occupying holy places and massacring tens of thousands of innocents in the process. More than 100000 civilians died in Iraq since the AmericanBritish led liberation. Yet as NewYork and Madrid and London can attest ignoring ones own rules of engagement in warfare is a recipe for recurrent disaster. By courting the USA Blair is courting a pernicious transformation in the nature of his people and country that generations of future patriots and compatriots are bound to mourn. banking services chronicle april 2021

 banking services chronicle april 2021